Arrow season 6

The new season of adventure-fiction show created by producer and screenwriter Greg Berlanti in conjunction with the film company "DC Entertainment" in 2012, commissioned by TV channel "The CW".

Release date tv series Arrow season 6 scheduled, premiere of the new series will be held - October 7, 2017.

Last season for the franchise was the kind of sound barrier, superhero action movie overcame a significant mark in the 100 episodes to celebrate this momentous event in the anniversary series, the channel guide returned to the franchise favorite characters, Oliver parents - Robert and Moira Queen.

According to the analytical agency ratings of the TV series "Arrow" continue to grow, the leadership of "The CW" officially extended the show on 6 season autumn 2016, as well as ordered in the script for the new series.

Television DC Universe continues to expand, so last year aired TV series "Legends of tomorrow" and "Supergirl", according to some information before the end of 2017 will see the light "Titans".


As a result of the disaster marine vessel billionaire Oliver and his father Robert Quinn considered dead. However, a few years later Man found in the Pacific Ocean on one of the uninhabited islands.

Oliver arrives to his hometown Starling City, where he met with his mother, who was waiting for all these years and had hoped to return favorite, buddy Tommy and sister Thea notice for the protagonist of some oddities, as they think, Oliver returned to the island a different person.

But billionaire carefully hides all that he had to endure in the ocean, and now he wants to change his life, and good deeds to pay for the bad deeds he had committed in the past.

He takes on the warpath against crime, and tries to clean up the streets of Starling City from various antagonists. Oliver takes the fate of the hero, vigilante, and calls himself an arrow, takes a bow and arrow, and dresses up in a green suit.

Happy hero still plays the role of a billionaire, a womanizer and a naive fool, he had been in a previous life, he is surrounded by the best man and bodyguard, John Diggle, a night out on the hunt.

Arrow season 6 release date

Series titleRelease date
6x01Series 1October 7, 2017
6x02Series 2October 14, 2017
6x03Series 3October 21, 2017
6x04Series 4October 28, 2017
6x05Series 5November 4, 2017
6x06Series 6November 11, 2017
6x07Series 7November 18, 2017
6x08Series 8November 25, 2017
6x09Series 9December 2, 2017
6x10Series 10December 9, 2017
6x11Series 11January 25, 2018
6x12Series 12February 1, 2018
6x13Series 13February 8, 2018
6x14Series 14February 15, 2018
6x15Series 15February 22, 2018
6x16Series 16March 25, 2018
6x17Series 17April 1, 2018
6x18Series 18April 8, 2018
6x19Series 19April 22, 2018
6x20Series 20April 29, 2018
6x21Series 21May 6, 2018
6x22Series 22May 13, 2018
6x23Series 23May 20, 2018


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One thought on “Arrow season 6

  • 03/23/2017 at

    That’s a creative answer to a diucifflt question


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