Granblue Fantasy The Animation season 2

Continuation of the popular anime series created in Japan by director Ito Yuki in 2017 based on the eponymous manga.

Release date anime series Sword Art Online season 3 scheduled, premiere of the new series will be held - January 2018.


One day the life of a simple guy named Gran turned upside down. Although you can call a simple guy who is friends with a talking flying lizard named Virn and lives on the flying island of Zinkenstill?

Nevertheless, this is the world in our history, and it is quite usual in it. So, our Gran once sees a strange glow in the forest nearby.

Curiosity gets the better, and the guy runs to find out the unknown, dropping the sneakers. Having gone through a bunch of versions on the way, he discovers an absolutely unexpected outcome: the cause of the commotion was the girl Luria.

But it was not at all simple. Not only that, Luria landed in the forest, having fallen from the warship, so she also has supernormal abilities, and Luria is declared a hunt. And chasing her not anyhow, but the soldiers of the Erst Empire themselves.

But the girl has her own defender, Lieutenant Catalina, who organized the escape. Word by word, and now Gran and Werne are already rushing to help the fugitives, bravely waving their sword.

Yes, only the forces did not calculate, and Gran fell in battle to the death of the brave. But not for nothing, Luria is near, Gran is not only resurrected, but in addition he has acquired the power of the unknown. So you went for bread.

Granblue Fantasy The Animation season 2 release date

Series titleRelease date
2x01Series 1January 2018



One thought on “Granblue Fantasy The Animation season 2

  • 04/05/2017 at

    I will throw a tantrum if they don’t make a second season XD. Am reading the manga but it’s just not the same 🙁

    While waiting, does anyone have any good and similar animes to recommend? Would appreciate suggestions very much :))


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