
The "baseball money survival" story focuses on a baseball team that operates as a highly-stratified society, where the player's performance determines his annual salary. The story follows an eight-year relief pitcher with an odd left-handed side-arm throw as he fights to survive under the team's strict system.

Writer Moritaka and artist Adachi began serializing the series in 2010. The manga won the best general manga award in the 37th Kodansha Manga Awards in 2013. It also ranked #2 on the Kono Manga ga Sugoi! guidebook's 2012 list, and earned a nomination in the 5th Manga Taisho Awards. The manga series then ended in 2014, but the creators launched the Gurazeni: Tokyo Dome-hen sequel manga that same year. An anime tv series has been announced to air in 2018.

Season 1 didn’t blow us away but it was still super solid. The biggest issue was the pacing of the story telling. Season 2 kicked off with a good mix of action and story.

Release date Gurazeni

Television anime adaptation of Yūji Moritaka and Keiji Adachi's baseball manga Gurazeni has been green-lit for 2018 year. SKY PerfecTV! will run the manga's first anime on its BS SkyPer! channel.

3 thoughts on “Gurazeni

  • 04/06/2017 at

    Already looks like different characters than the game had, but as long as the basic fanservice is there, i’m fine

  • 04/06/2017 at

    I don’t understand how people can consider this an interesting anime, or an anime with any kind of stakes, when you know the primary cast of characters isn’t going to die. (It’s a shounen series, for crying out loud.)

    If someone can clue me in on why this is so popular, please do.

  • 04/06/2017 at

    It’s interesting because there are many of us who do find the plot intriguing. I haven’t read the manga and am thoroughly enjoying the mystery of the anime. I don’t want to read the manga. I want to get the story as the anime gives it to me because it is an entirely different experience. After the reveals, I’ll still stick around, because I want to know how it ends.


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