Kuroko no Basket season 5

Continuation of the cult Japanese anime cartoon produced and directed by Shunsuke Tade, the main roles will be performed by the actors Kensho Ono, Miki Sinichiro, Yuki Ono, Ryokhei Kimura.

Released tv series "Kuroko no Basket / Kuroko's Basketball" 5 season is not declared, the show officially closed - March 2017.

After the premiere of the show in 2012, millions of fans felt the charm that the cartoon broadcasts.


The next season of all favorite sports anime, which includes all the delights of such sports as basketball. In all schools in Japan there are basketball clubs and teams. This story is about the members of the basketball team of one of the Teiko secondary schools.

These guys are enormously popular all over the country, most of all the praise deserves the five main characters called "Generation of Miracles". They have hundreds of thousands of fans, more of which are representatives of the fair sex.

They are in love with the players in the ears, and they know them not only by name, but also height, weight, eye color, blood type and personal of each of the pets.

Soon appears the sixth player, he is called among the fans a ghost. Although he made a great contribution to the team's achievements, most of the spectators do not notice him.

It takes little more than three years, the whole team grew up mature, all six had to travel to different schools, with different basketball traditions.

The sixth player Kuroko Tetsuya is to learn and play for the school team Seyrin, and her team is already in the final, whether the main character will be able to reveal his potential among strangers we learn in new series.

Kuroko no Basket / Kuroko's Basketball season 5 release date

Series titleRelease date
5x01Series 1closed



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