Prison School season 2

The new season of the popular Japanese anime series created by the studio J.C.Staff for the Tokyo MX television network based on a comedy manga, authored and illustrated by Akira Hiramoto in 2015.

Release date anime series Prison School season 2 scheduled, premiere of the new series will be held - October 11, 2017.


"Prison School" - a comedy anime series on the story of the manga Akira Hiramoto.

The Women's Academy of Hachimitsu near Tokyo is famous for its high standards of education, excellent indicators and strict procedures.

Traditions are honored here, but after the change of the director, the administration decides to make a huge change - it allows mixed training, thanks to which the ranks of female students are replenished by five pupils-boys.

The new guys - Kiyoshi, Gakuto, Shingo, Joe and Reiji - dream of getting their girlfriends in the academy, but the dreams of the guys for a long time remain dreams. Girls flock by flocks, just refusing to start a close acquaintance.

Disappointed friends, who began to consider themselves losers, decide to compensate for the injustice of fate by spying on high school students.

The fugitives still do not know the old, but unchanged rule of the underground student council, which prohibits students from any links with fellow practitioners.

The operation "women's shower" fails, and the captured impudent persons are given a severe punishment: a week in a school jail or a deduction.

Prison School season 2 release date

Series titleRelease date
2x01Series 1October 11, 2017
2x02Series 2October 18, 2017
2x03Series 3October 25, 2017
2x04Series 4November 1, 2017
2x05Series 5November 8, 2017
2x06Series 6November 15, 2017
2x07Series 7November 22, 2017
2x08Series 8November 29, 2017
2x09Series 9December 6, 2017
2x10Series 10December 13, 2017
2x11Series 11December 20, 2017
2x12Series 12December 27, 2017



3 thoughts on “Prison School season 2

  • 03/20/2017 at

    It’s a OVA which is like a advertisement video AKA preview

  • 03/20/2017 at

    when is it gonna come out the next one please tell me if you know :'(

  • 04/05/2017 at

    It gets easier to read the more you practice. I used to dislike reading manga because of the right to left thing, but I was desperate to keep reading the stories I saw in the animes I was watching, so I just kept working at it, and now it is fairly easy. Also, Yona is a really good manga to start on. Its very cleanly written which makes it much easier to follow.I highly suggest trying the Yona manga.


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