Rakshasa Street season 2

The new season of the supernatural anime series created by the film company "L²Studio" based on the eponymous manga in 2016.

Release date anime series Rakshasa Street / Zhen Hun Jie season 2 scheduled, premiere of the new series will be held - April 2018.


In the anime, "Rakshasa Street", this is the street of the demons is one of the most troubled, sinister and dangerous streets of the underworld. It is home not at all nice perfume, but very real villains that scare the rest of his malice and cruelty.

Local ghosts are not afraid to overstep the line of what is permitted, and as long as they get to do it with impunity.

The responsibility for maintaining order in the streets is on guard, who got the nickname "The generals of souls." They are bold, self-assured and steadfast, but even such a powerful keepers are not able to keep everything under control.

A girl named Lin on the fatal accident was on General Cao street, and this led to quite unexpected consequences. A talented architect and promising specialist, it does not even suggest what she would have to face the most dangerous on the street, "the other world".

The general is a rare rude and obnoxious cynic, and his chief assistant - even repulsive type, capable of a variety of dirty tricks and even the really terrible things ...



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