Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu season 3

The new season of the popular Japanese anime created by director Shinichi Omata and studio Studio Day in 2016.

Release date anime series Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu season 3 scheduled, premiere of the new series will be held - January 2018.


Theatre save. Literature rescue. And the two of them and does change a man to the beautiful and sublime beyond recognition. What kind of "vibration" exude these types of art, it is not known, but the spiritual influence on their personality inescapable.

Even the recent prisoner from the animated series with an attractive look called "Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju", failed to avoid the creative spell all of the above.

Him, an outcast of society, fascinated rakugo master Yakumo. He Etura (like calling him in prison) fell in love with the scenic charm of this talented man.

Succumbed to his voice, reads "The Grim Reaper" and believe in yourself. Other goals in Etura is now not there. The guy sure that he lost and lost, will be able to find their talent inside, if he goes on the road rakugo.

Theatrical genre that drew an anime hero, and for real good. And rare. And masters and rulers of his secrets in no hurry to share them. With those, especially, who once betrayed unwise and immoral society. Those who violated the social and moral laws.

To those who infamously styled "come out of prison." But surprisingly universal peaks and indignation when Yakumo agrees to teach the skill of Etura rakugo ...



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