The Mick season 2

Continuation of the American comedy series created by the film company "20th Century Fox Television" and directed by Randall Einhorn in 2017.

Release date tv series The Mick season 2 scheduled, premiere of the new series will be held - January 2, 2018.

Fox continues to make good filmmakers happy. If the sitcoms were given awards, the new series "The Mick" would win in the nomination "Audience Sympathy". What is special about this typical story?

Creating and interesting facts

Among the directors is Randall Einhorn. The public is well acquainted with his works: "Fargo", "Parks and recreation areas" and "Office". He and several of his colleagues in the shop previously filmed the sitcom "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".

Therefore, it is not surprising that the role of Mackenzie went to gifted actress Caitlin Olson, who played De Reynolds in the above picture. It is interesting that Olson in parallel assumed the duties of the executive producer of the new show.

What will the audience get by including the "The Mick" TV series? The main character is slightly crazy and unorganized. However, when it comes to children, everything will be done to make the nephews happy.


Who is Mick? Not a very young girl who barely makes ends meet and meets with a loser. Mackenzie will seem pretty nice, if the previous evening, less sips. But her life can not be called successful ...

And now fate throws a huge gift: a large house with a swimming pool, bath rooms and a housekeeper. But that's not all! To live in a mansion, the young lady will have to endure the three spoiled children of her sister, who with her husband is hiding from the tax police at the edge of the world ...

The Mick season 2 release date

Series titleRelease date
2x01Series 1January 2, 2018
2x02Series 2January 9, 2018
2x03Series 3January 16, 2018
2x04Series 4January 23, 2018
2x05Series 5January 30, 2018
2x06Series 6February 6, 2018
2x07Series 7February 13, 2018
2x08Series 8February 20, 2018
2x09Series 9February 27, 2018
2x10Series 10March 5, 2018



2 thoughts on “The Mick season 2

  • 03/20/2017 at

    Haven’t seen it yet. Glad its renewed, that gives me a reason to start watching now.

  • 03/20/2017 at

    I’m watching Star for Queen Latifah


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